EPM 1 (Enhanced Polymer Magazine) 250rds midcap magazijn - Black
EPM 1 (Enhanced Polymer Magazine) 250rds midcap magazijn - Tan
Amoeba 140rds midcap magazine - Black
Amoeba 140rds midcap magazine - Tan
M4 150rds midcap magazine - black
MP5 95rds midcap magazine - Black
M4 120rds midcap magazijn - Black
M4 140rds midcap magazine - Black
Use a speedloader to load you..
QRS M4 120rds midcap magazine - Black
QRS M4 120rds midcap magazine - Dark Earth
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Amoeba 120rds short midcap magazijn - Tan
VSR 10 50rds sniper magazine - Transparent
G36 Adaptor for (odin) M4 speed loader
Shotgun shells 6 piece (30rds) - Red
M1911 Tactical GBB magazine
Extended M1911 Tactical GBB magazine - 30rds
KP-08 GBB magazine - 26rds
KP-09 GBB magazine - 24rds
MP5 30rds realcap magazine - Black
MP5 50rds lowcap magazine - Black
Airsoft Magazines
During an Airsoft game you always want to ensure sufficient ammunition, a reliable and well-fitting airsoft magazine is therefore an important part of the sport. Make sure you carry several magazines with you so that you don't run out of bb's quickly. You don't want to run out of ammo during an intense bb fight. Always check in advance which brand of magazines work best with your airsoft replica.
Airsoft Magazines are available in many different shapes and sizes. As a novice Airsoft player this can be very overwhelming. Fortunately, we at Broforce Airsoft will help you on your way.
The most common types of magazines are the EAG & pistol magazines:
Low cap (low capacity bbs)
Midcap (average capacity bbs)
Hicap (high capacity bbs)
available with a winding wheel (this is the most common variant), or with a winding rope or while called a Flash magazine. this second option is like an upgraded version of the standard Hicap magazine.
Gun magazines (gas or CO2)
The low cap magazine is mainly there for the extra bit of realism during the game. Because the number of bb's is much closer to the "original" number of bullets that is used in a real firearm, this provides that extra bit of tension and realism. Often I also require the use of a low cap at Milsim events.
The midcap magazines are by far the most sold and used magazine in the airsoft sport.
the biggest advantage of this type of magazine is that you only have to load it once and then you can empty it until the last bb. You also don't hear the bb's shaking in the magazine like with a Hicap magazine. Today there are also midcap magazines that can hold up to 250 bbs.
The Hicap magazine is the magazine that has the biggest advantage that you can store most bb's in it. Average between 200-600 bb's. But there is a "big" drawback. You will have to tighten the spring that is in the magazine every so many bb's fired in order to continue feeding the bb's to your replica. This can be done by means of a wheel which is positioned on the underside of the magazine. There are also so-called Flash magazines available, here no wheel is used, but a string that you have to pull to tension the spring. This is more user-friendly because you can perform this operation more easily with gloves than winding a wheel. You can also load more bbs by pulling the string 1 time than by turning the wheel 1 time. Another "disadvantage" of the Hicap magazine is that you can hear the bb's shaking while running or moving, so there is the possibility that you give your position away to the opponent.
Pistol magazines come in 2 variants. A CO2 variant and a Green gas variant. Co2 generally produces more pressure, which automatically results in a higher joule, this can sometimes be disadvantageous since we have a joule or fps regulation in most countries. Co2 comes with cartridges that can be placed on the bottom or side of your warehouse. Co2 has the great advantage that it continues to function better than green gas in cold weather.